Hi everyone,
I hope you’re having a good Monday morning. Here are a few stories that you might find interesting, as well as some security advice.
General hygiene.
If you are an Android user, Please ensure you’re running the latest version of Android. The October security update from Google fixed many serious security flaws. Some of these floors were being taken advantage of by cybercriminals, especially users running on a Samsung device. When these security flaws are taken advantage of, it allows cybercriminals more ways to gain access to your data, it’s your money and your identity. The best way to stay protected is to stay updated. You can get the update by going into your update menu and installing the latest update. Also please forward this tip to anybody who you think might need a reminder to update 🙂
Hacking Facebook account.
This is a good article that talks about a white hat hacker in India who demonstrated how to break into any Facebook page or any Facebook account. In return for sharing his findings, Facebook paid him a bug bounty fee of $16,000. This article here, demonstrates that it was possible, to to hack into any Facebook page. Okay, the hacker this time was a white hat hacker and he shared his findings, let’s hope they all do :-).
To keep your Facebook account secure, make sure you’re using a strong password, that you change it regularly, and that you have two-factor authentication installed. Doing these things is like having a good lock on the front door of your house. I can give you more advice, and if you wanna contact me through the in-app contact options.
Critical Infrastuctue
There have been a few examples in the past where hackers have broken into critical infrastructure in a country such as electricity and water companies. They have demonstrated that it is possible for a country’s gas company for example to be hacked into and for the hackers to be able to make changes. They’ve also demonstrated how hackers could break into a water treatment facility and make changes. Here is a really good article from USA Today breaking down what a critical infrastructure attack would look like and how damaging it can be to a country.
Keep your antivirus on your anti-malware products up to date.
Here is an article about a new form of malware that hides inside a PNG image file. It’s a really interesting read, and it’s not very technical. This is just one of the many thousands of viruses and malware that are discovered every day by the big antivirus and anti-malware companies of the world. As soon as they find one they release an update to the software that will catch this malware or virus on any devices that they are protecting. They update their database nearly every day. Make sure you’re always running the latest version of the database.
Incognito is not an antivirus too, it is an anti-spyware product. Make sure to keep Incognito up-to-date as well 🙂
All the best, Max.
ps. Don’t forget to leave us a review 🙂