Hi guys,
Here’s a terrifying story from Joseph Cox from vice.com, where he shows how he logged into his bank account using an artificially generated version of his own voice. The bank’s system thought that the voice was his, and they gave him full access to his bank account.
Today some banks have replaced your password with your voice, as they say, that your voice is more secure than your password. However, the problem is that artificial intelligence can generate your voice in seconds, and you can have an entire conversation with yourself, and it will sound like you.
Here is a link to the article and a snippet below. You can also view a YouTube film where Joseph shows how he could log into his bank using an artificially generated version of his voice.
The bank thought it was talking to me; the AI-generated voice certainly sounded the same.
On Wednesday, I phoned my bank’s automated service line. To start, the bank asked me to say in my own words why I was calling. Rather than speak out loud, I clicked a file on my nearby laptop to play a sound clip: “check my balance,” my voice said. But this wasn’t actually my voice. It was a synthetic clone I had made using readily available artificial intelligence technology.
“Okay,” the bank replied. It then asked me to enter or say my date of birth as the first piece of authentication. After typing that in, the bank said “please say, ‘my voice is my password.’”
Again, I played a sound file from my computer. “My voice is my password,” the voice said. The bank’s security system spent a few seconds authenticating the voice.
“Thank you,” the bank said. I was in.
What can you do?
If your bank uses voice authentication, show them this tip and ask them to stop using voice authentication for your account and return to using passwords.
This new age of AI is going to cause Havoc. Cybercriminals can now fake your voice and even your face. I promise you that we will never use AI for anything. Incognito will always be 100% human. I never thought I would say that.
Please share this tip far and wide. Is AI talking to your bank right now?
All the best,
Max Roberts,
Incognito Privacy Care Team