Hi guys,

Please see below. As always, let us know if we can assist you in any way.

Sending you all the best,

Stephen McCormack.:-) 🙂 

North Korean Hackers Exploit Facebook Messenger in Targeted Malware Campaign

The North Korea-linked Kimsuky hacking group has been attributed to a new social engineering attack that employs fictitious Facebook accounts to targets via Messenger and ultimately delivers malware.

“”The threat actor created a Facebook account with a fake identity disguised as a public official working in the North Korean human rights field,“” South Korean cybersecurity company Genians said in a report published last week.

Action for you: Always ensure you are connected with authentic and genuine Facebook accounts. Check their followers and comments on the person’s page. Also, never click on the link, as you have no idea what’s behind it. Running through the incognito website checker will help.

Read more here: https://www.genians.co.kr/blog/threat_intelligence/facebook

Google’s’s AI Watermarks Will Identify Deepfakes

Over the past 12 months or so, I’ve written a couple of articles on the subject of deep fakes. You can read them here, here, here and hereDeep fakes are evolving at a breakneck pace in that we’re at a point now where it’s nearly impossible to differentiate between a real person and one generated by artificial intelligence. We cannot trust our eyes, and you can be sure as time advances, they will get even more sophisticated, maybe into the world of deepfake holograms. It looks like Google is trying to help here and that they’re now going to be watermarking AI images so that the person looking at an image will know if it’s fake or not. Now, this seems like a very tough job to do so I don’t think personally it’s going to be very effective as there will be many ways to get around it but it’s nice to know that people are thinking about it.

Action for you: Don’t trust your eyes! – yep, I just said that 🙂 

Read more here: https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/watermarking-ai-generated-text-and-video-with-synthid/

Remote-access tools the intrusion point to blame for most ransomware attacks

He’s a really good overview of the most common Ransomware intrusion points for both the individual corporate attack.
Remote-access tools were the primary intrusion point for ransomware attacks, accounting for 3 in 5 attacks last year, cybersecurity insurance firm At-Bay said Wednesday in a report.

Attackers primarily targeted perimeter-access tools in 2023, but shifted their focus from remote desktop protocol to targeting self-managed VPNs. These on-premises VPNs were linked to more than 3 in 5 ransomware attacks where remote access was the initial entry vector, according to At-Bay.

“Attackers go after the same things. If you have a city that has walls around it, you’re going to go after the gate because the gate is a weaker point than the actual wall,” Rotem Iram, At-Bay founder and CEO, said last week at an Axios event on the sidelines of the RSA Conference in San Francisco.

Read more here: https://www.cybersecuritydive.com/news/remote-access-tools-ransomware/716320/