Hi guys,

I hope all is well with you and your family wherever you are in this great big world we live in 🙂

I wanted to write to you today on two fronts, the first is to apologise for the lack of up-to-date tips and privacy news over the past couple of months. Some of her most avid readers will notice that many of the tips have been reposts of previous articles that I have written. The only reason that I can offer you is that, as some of you will remember we lost a key member of our team a couple of years ago, and my wife, and my soulmate. It has been quite a process for me to recover and put myself back into a positive mindset regarding incognito. Jessica did so much for our great community, you’ll never know just how much. Jessica was the analytical eye, she was the support maestro, she was managing and monitoring everybody’s usage of the application to improve it and enhance it. She was also the mature person in the office! Her passing not only ripped the heart out of my chest but it also ripped some of the glue out of incognito that was necessary to hold it together. It took me quite a while to recover, and it took the team quite a while to recover as our whole team is built on love. I did manage to pull my head back into it for a short time but six months ago I descended into chaos, and heartbreak that I didn’t know was possible. I wanted to tell you today, that Incognito is back, we have great plans for Incognito, we are working on new features that we are both excite and delight you and most importantly keep you safe. We now find ourselves in a whole new world when it comes to cyber security. Cybercriminals are no longer operating out of the basement or out of the garage of their mother and father’s house, they are big businesses making billions every year profiteering off of hacking and deceiving. We are one of the oldest cyber security companies in the business, we used to make spyware, and we used to deal directly with some of the governments that are attempting to spy on our users. From today onwards incognito will have your back 1000%. We are already doing a great job for users but that is us operating on a 1% out of 100%. We are now ready to crank that back up to 100%. I thank you for your patience, and also for the love that so many have shown us over the past few years. It truly is a community that I’m very proud to be part of, and until my final breath, I will always make sure that I’m giving 1000% to protecting the people of the world who put their trust in us, in me. Watch this space 🙂 and also, cyber criminals – beware. We are not afraid of you.

The second thing I wanted to write to you about is about artificial intelligence. Over the past several months we experimented with using artificial intelligence to enhance and to create some of the tips that we send out. We tested it, we analysed it and to be honest we are not impressed by it. Yes, it can write amazing articles, and yes I can search the Internet in a second, but we can do that as well 🙂 I promise from this moment forward that artificial intelligence will play no part in incognito. How can we beat the machine by working with the machine? Yes, there will be spelling mistakes, and yes, there will be human error, but that’s what makes us human! It’s very obvious when you read an article has been written by AI. It’s just a little bit too perfect 🙂 and a little bit creepy. For our consumer application, and all of our consumer-related communications there will be zero AI input. As a society, and actually as a species we need to be very aware and be very cautious with artificial intelligence. What we have access to as the average man on the street is nothing compared to what the governments of the world have access to in terms of this world’s changing technology.  It’s up to us to push back against AI as much as we can.

Please contact me personally if you need anything at all. You can contact me directly through the contact section within the incognito app. We have a lot to do, but we are up for it. Let me know if you have any suggestions and how we can better serve you.

Normal service of the most amazing privacy tips in the world will resume tomorrow. Also, keep your eyes peeled for the latest addition to incognito, it’s called scam watch and it targets and exposes the scammers of the world directly.

All the best, Stephen McCormack
(Max Roberts is obviously a fake name!)