Hey Friends,
I hope that you are well and that everything is going great for you today 🙂
Today I am going to start sending out a different style of privacy tip. There are so many things happening every minute of every day in the world of security, that it’s almost pointless sending out one security covering one specific topic, as it is just one of the many security threats that you are facing or that you need to be aware of. So today I’m going to start pulling together all of the top security threats from around the world and I will list them off with my commentary, if necessary. Let’s see how that approach goes. Maybe you can let me know what you think of this new format by leaving a review on the Google Play Store.?
Also, I want to remind you that if you join the VIP program within Incognito you will be invited to join the VIP-only exclusive telegram channel where you can talk and interact with me, and other members of our security team. We can help you in real time with problems that you’re facing. We can give you advice about the latest scams. You can send a screenshot of what you’re experiencing for example and will be able to help you quickly. When you upgrade to one of the VIP plans you will receive instructions on how to join the VIP community. Click on one of the subscriber options and you are good to go – thank you 🙂
Also, regardless of whether you are a subscriber or not, Incognito is still the best anti-spyware application on the planet. We have been around since the very beginning. In my previous life, I created one of the world’s first government surveillance systems, so trust us we know what we’re doing :-). We understand this stuff. We’ve had many people copy us, but they all die off eventually because we are the best and you cannot beat the best 🙂 So, continue scanning your phone, continue using our other security features continue reading the security tips that I’m sending out. Let us know if we can do anything to help you at all. Also, if you have any ideas on how we could make incognito even greater let me know. This is a community operation. This is about all of us together.
- SCAM ALERT: Please be extra aware of text message scams that are currently circling the world at the moment and are ripping millions of people off every day. I nearly got scammed today with one the many delivery scams (If I can be scammed, you can be scammed.) I was expecting a package to be delivered today and I know that they were having trouble finding my address so when I received a random text message from a scammer telling me that I had to pay a delivery service charge on a delivery, I assumed it was related to the package that I was expecting. I nearly paid it as well until I went and checked out the website address that they were directing me to for payment. As soon as I spent five seconds analysing the webpage, I knew immediately that it was a scam. The best way to identify if it’s a scam or not is the check out the web address. The scammer today was pretending to be from a delivery company but instead of it being www.fedex.com, the address was something like www.fedexdeliverycustomersupportone.co. Now, to the casual observer, the website name looks okay, because it shows the word FedEx, so they will assume that it is safe. If I had provided my credit card information on this webpage my funds would’ve been drained in less than a second. Always check the website address. This is where the scammers cannot hide. Go and check the website with Incognito website checker and we’ll tell you if it is safe or not.
- RANSOMWARE: Microsoft, recently released a report saying that ransomware attacks amongst their users have tripled in the past year. The reality is that ransomware attacks are happening every day to both small businesses and individuals alike. If you want to know more about ransomware, you can read my previous posts by going here, and here. But in a nutshell, ransomware is where is cyber criminal remotely takes control of your computer, locks you out of it and then demands a ransom to get back in. If you don’t pay the ransom you will never access your files again. As you can see, by the report, ransomware attacks are on the rise. This means that you are vulnerable to ransomware attacks. The best way to stay protected from ransomware attacks is to never click on links unless you completely trust them (don’t forget about the Incognito website checker :-)), do not open an email from somebody who you do not know and never open an attachment. Also, go and get yourself a good antivirus scanner for your device. Incognito, will protect you from government and commercial spy software but you need antivirus and anti-malware for everything else. Be extra careful, it is a jungle out there. There are millions of cyber attackers trying to get your money. Microsoft users get attacked 600 million times per day. Yes, you read that right. Think before you click, think before you respond. Don’t allow pressure tactics to prevail. Keep your head, and if you need anything or if you’re unsure talk to us 🙂
- UPDATE: for all of you Android users out there, Android 15 rolling out with new theft protection features. You can read all about the features by going to this link here. But, as soon as it gets released make sure you get it. It’s got some cool new antitheft features as well as a raft of security updates for the operating system. On that note, go and make sure all of the applications on your phone are up-to-date, and make sure all the applications that you use on your Windows are your Mac device are up-to-date. Make sure that your operating system is up-to-date. Cybercriminals take advantage of weak systems, if your system is weak you are more of a target. Keeping your system of today’s, you are massively reducing the risk. If you need any specific advice about updating, make contact and will take you through the steps to update all of the applications on your device. It’s very easy actually but, maybe it’s only easy because we know what we’re doing.
- SOCIAL MEDIA: If you want to untag yourself from Facebook posts follow the instructions here.
- AI WATCH: “Nudify” deepfake bots remove clothes from victims in minutes, and millions are using them. You really cannot believe what you see on the Internet these days, you cannot believe what you hear on the Internet these days. It is going to get worse. Never believe anything you see or hear online. Also, with the rise in synthetic voice cloning, have a password amongst your family members and your friends. Something that you all agree on, and that you share personally, not over the Internet. If one of your friends called you next week saying they’ve been in a car accident and that they need you to send them €500, even if it sounds like your friend, even if the video looks like your friend, it could be a fake. Ask them for the password that you agreed on in person. Deep fakes are getting so much advanced now that you cannot tell the difference. A good old-fashioned password could be the difference between getting ripped off and staying safe.
- WIN: Finally, if you are a Microsoft user or if you’re thinking about creating a Microsoft account I just wanted to let you know that Microsoft is giving away a 1 million Euro prize to a lucky winner and I only have to do is log in to your Microsoft account or create a new Microsoft account. It’s a smart idea from Microsoft, and I’m sure they can afford €1 million. Just go to this page HERE
Okay, that includes today’s privacy/security advisory. Let me know what you think, we can adapt and change based on the communities feedback. So please be vocal and have your voice heard.
Sending you and yours all the best,
Stephen McCormack (I used to go by the pen name Max Roberts but I’m okay using my name now)
PS. I do apologise for the advertisements that you have to endure while reading these tips. This is how we keep incognito on the road. We need the money from the advertising. If you want to get rid of the advertising and have access to many other great features, you can upgrade to a small subscription plan, that will help you, that will help us, and ultimately will help the community.