Hi Guys,

Did you know that nearly all the private data that you share with big companies is being sold by them for big profit. And we are talking about seriously personal information. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Chase Bank may share/Sell your “account balances and transaction history … For affiliates to market to you.”
  • Crate & Barrel may share “your customer information [name, postal address and email address, and transactions you conduct on our Website or offline] with other select companies.”
  • InterContinental Hotels may share “your information with third parties … to extend special offers about their own products and services”

The good news is that you can opt out and stop them from sharing your data. ‘Simple Opt Out’ has a list of companies that collect your personal details, and either sell them on or use them to target ads. The list is more of a table, with fields that give you:

  • The name of the company.
  • What personal data it sells.
  • Link to the privacy policy
  • A link to the page where you can opt out.

Go and take a look at their website here and prepare to get very angry when you see just how much of your data is for sale.

Have fun Opt outing and let me know if you need help.


Max Roberts
Incognito Privacy Care Team.