Hi Guys,
As social media platforms grow in popularity and influence, Twitter’s blue tick verification has become a coveted symbol of prestige and authenticity. However, there is more to the blue tick than meets the eye, and I would like to caution users against pursuing this status. The verification process, which requires submitting personal identification information, may have unintended consequences for your privacy and security.
Users need an email address and phone number to create a Twitter account. While these requirements provide a basic level of identification, they can be spoofed, leaving an element of doubt about the true identity of the account holder. With the blue tick verification, however, users must provide credit card information, effectively confirming their identity beyond any doubt. While many people may not be concerned about this level of identification, there are reasons to think twice before volunteering such personal information.
Consider the recent case of a woman in France facing trial for insulting President Macron on social media. The French government has taken legal action against her for a Facebook post that disparaged the president. The woman, a 48-year-old from southwestern France, referred to Macron as a “jerk” and a “moron” in a Facebook post. Now, she’s charged with “public insult of the head of state,” a crime that carries a potential penalty of a €45,000 fine and up to one year in prison.
If you have ever made a controversial or insulting comment on Twitter, even years ago, the blue tick verification could make it easier for authorities or other parties to identify and target you.
The blue tick system is about authenticating users and narrowing in on their identities. While it’s essential to maintain a certain level of transparency and accountability on social media, I strongly urge you to think carefully before opting for Twitter’s verification process. The potential risks to your privacy and security may not be worth the perceived benefits of a blue badge.
In conclusion, always exercise caution when typing on the internet. Be mindful of what you say and to whom you say it. The internet is not a secure environment; everything you say and do is recorded. We all have a digital profile that grows as we interact with social media and other websites. Considering the advancements in artificial intelligence, we are entering an era where computers will determine whether we are good or bad without any emotion or human element involved. These judgments will be based, in part, on your online activity. Be cautious, as you cannot go back and erase past actions since everything is preserved. However, you can consciously decide to stop feeding the digital machine from this moment forward. Draw a line in the sand and be more mindful of your online interactions.
Let me know if you need anything at all. Our team is here to support you in any way.
All the best,
Max Roberts.