Hi Guys.

Apple Mac users of the Zoom video conferencing platform are reporting in the Zoom support forums that Zoom is keeping their computer’s microphone on when they aren’t using it. Since the introduction of Apple Monterey, Apple users can see if their device’s camera or microphone is in use via an orange or green dot in the Menu Bar.

This issue has been going on for a while now. When users complained in December 2021, Zoom issued an update that supposedly fixed the problem, but it is still an issue for many people. As it stands right now, if you have the Zoom app installed on your device, it may be keeping your microphone open even when you are not on a call

How do you protect yourself?

Only run Zoom while on active calls and completely quit it when not in use. Follow these steps when you are not using Zoom:

  1. Click the apple icon in the top left of your screen
  2. Go to Force Quit
  3. Select Zoom from the list and press Force Quit again

I will let you know as soon as Zoom has fully corrected this issue.

All the best,

Max Roberts,
Incognito Privacy Care Team.